Solidarity Unites Us

By León Cisneros - TOLA Fall 2020

Growing up in Anaheim, I didn’t have many positive role models. Being at TOLA allows me to become the person I wish I had by my side growing up – someone to guide me to reach my fullest potential. I realize now that I can be that someone to the youth of Stockton.

Every Stockton youth selected to be a COCO leader has shared with me the problems and issues they see in their neighborhoods. As I listen to each story, I see myself in them. Each is searching for a life greater than an ordinary teenager, a life of significance and conscience.

I want to provide each COCO with the opportunity to become aware of their capabilities and power by talking about the possibilities for change. Sahila, Rahila, and Murad, for example, are COCOs who appreciate the sacrifices their parents have made for them to attend college. They want to inspire their neighbors and friends to have a voice in shaping the future of their community by voting.

I believe Stockton youth have great wisdom and the power to make a difference. They want to reclaim Stockton for a better future. I remind them that there’s no need to worry because they are not alone. Once they are united with others, nothing can stop them.